A healthy body leads to a healthy mind. We all know how important it is to work out and be fit. In an era where people are fitness freak, there are also many myths and popular beliefs. Today we present you with the top 10 workout myths.
1. Steroids are necessary to build a great body
For building bigger muscles you don’t need steroids. Working out regularly and a good meal plan can work wonders. Steroids are performance-enhancing drugs, they increase muscle mass and increase the rate of reducing fat. Steroids can also cause serious health problems high blood pressure, kidney problems, liver damage and increase the risk of stroke.
2. Unused muscle tissue converts into fat
It is a huge workout myth. Well first of all muscle tissues and fat tissues are two completely different things and there is no you can convert one into the other.
3. Morning workouts are better
Early morning workouts do have benefits like increased productivity and metabolism because of good sleep at night. But it’s not the only time for a workout. Many people don’t have time for exercises early morning. Any time is a good time for exercise provided it is not just after you had food. Research states that our body has the power to adapt to regular gym dates. If you are regular in your exercise then your time is the best time.
4. You can target a specific body part
That’s totally a myth. You cannot target a specific part of your body to lose weight. Fat is stored in cells that are located all over your body. Working out leads to burning of fat from the entire body because metabolism works that way.
5. Cardio burns fat
Another all-time workout myth. Cardio only burns calories it doesn’t burn fat. It is best for keeping your heart healthy and increases blood and oxygen flow in the body. But simply doing cardio won’t help in reducing weight.
6. Intake of lots of protein is harmful to the kidney
Research has proved that protein intake while hitting the gym doesn’t affect your kidneys or whatsoever. You can actually consume 0.4 – 0.55g per kg of your body weight per meal across a minimum of four meals a day.
7. Crunches give you abs
Crunches help in strengthening the abdominal muscles but you can’t get six-pack abs by just doing crunches. Out of four areas crunches only target one part of your abs. For abs, you need to include exercises such as planks, squats and lunges.
8. You need to go to the gym
You can do jogging, running, crunches, squats, sit-ups etc every day without going to the gym. There are so many exercises that can be done anywhere that don’t need special equipment. These exercises are equally effective and help you become fit. You don’t need to hit the gym for a fit body.
9. The more sweat, the better is the workout
Sweating depends on an individual. Some people have active sweat glands some people sweat less. Sweating means you have a good filtration system and you are healthy. But it doesn’t say about the efficiency of your exercise.
10. You should not take a day off
Well, your body needs a day off to relax and rejuvenate. You need to give your muscle time to repair itself from the mechanical stress caused by exercise. You are giving your muscles time to recover. It helps your body restore energy for your next tough workout.
So these were the top 10 workout myths. Next time you workout keep this in mind – stay healthy and stay hydrated.
Read More: 10 Health Lies and Fitness Myths Gym Trainers Spread