3 Reasons Why Planks Aren’t Enough To Build Abs

I get it. Every guy wants abs. Who wouldn’t want to? It doesn’t just make you look healthy and fit, it can turn out to be a magnet for ladies. So now everyone wants abs. How do they get them? If you look up on the internet, you can find titles like- ‘This one exercise can help you build abs’. But I’m here to tell you that it can’t happen. So here are my 3 reasons why planks aren’t enough to build abs.

1. Planks help you strengthen your core

3 Reasons why planks aren't enough to build abs
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The main purpose of doing planks is to strengthen your core. It can get your lower chest harder. But trust me, if you are by any chance considered fat, then you can’t really find out if you are getting up your abs or not.

Making another thing clear here – everyone has abs. But what you and I are referring to here is the abs that have alluring shapes and seem to pop out. Let’s say you are really thin and you start doing planks in order to get these ‘abs’. Due to the workout, you shall feel like eating more and hence you do start to eat.

If you’re really doing the plank right, then it might sure seem you’re building a 6 pack. But you shall also be thin at the same time which will make you appear malnourished. My friend who had a slender-like body had become obsessed with abs. So, he would do only planks as instructed by some ‘Get 6-packs in 7 days’ websites.

3 Reasons why planks aren't enough to build abs
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After a couple of months, he did seem a little fit. Along with it, he seemed to have built his so-called abs. But there was something missing. He still was slender and now looked malnourished from different angles. I and some of my other friends would tease him for his cockroach-like appearance.

2. Burn fat if you’ve got it

As I was talking about fat before, even with planks, you wouldn’t be able to recognize much difference. This is because you are probably getting your chest and torso stronger under that flab.

And what is the use of getting that strong body underneath if you can’t really flaunt it? Thus, it is highly recommended to find exercises that help you burn your fat – especially if you’re fat. Some of the exercises that can help are squat thrusts and basic hand-and-leg stretches as warm-ups.

3 Reasons why planks aren't enough to build abs
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One of the other best work out that can help is running. If you have more time, you can reside to jogging or brisk walking. This shall help you get rid of your fat and on the other side shall help you abs show up over time.

3. Some exercises that should go along with planks

Push-ups can help a lot along with planks, but no, that isn’t meant for it. Push-ups are meant to build your chest and arms. So what are the other things you should do?

Before starting planks, start with sets of sit-ups. They can really help you shape those ab curves properly. With just planks, there is a chance of getting it uneven as you might put up more weight on one hand than the other. Or you may also keep your legs unevenly distanced from each other.

3 Reasons why planks aren't enough to build abs
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In between the planks or after the planks, make sure to fit in sets of Russian twists. They are easy, hence usually start with 32 counts- 16 each side. It helps to tone your lower chest area. If you have fat, then this can also help in getting rid of love handles.


So, wanna get abs? You have got to work out more. Just planks, or any single exercise, can’t help you get them. It isn’t easy. And that’s the whole point!

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