Before I begin this, let me tell you that this is all based on personal experiences. We can’t really generalize about what a person doesn’t want to hear. However, there are some things that can infuriate almost any girl. So these are a few things you shouldn’t utter when hanging out with a girl.
Just don’t experiment these out.
1. Never use the word ‘used’
Even if you’re trying to make a joke, never use the word ‘used’. For example, your sentence could be, ‘I used her to get to you’ or ‘I could be using you’. It may sound amusing at certain aspects, but to be on a safer side, it’s better not to make usage of this word.
It naturally makes you look like you’re objectifying someone. Maybe, you don’t mean to hurt anyone and just intended to crack a small joke or flirt, but then it may be taken the other way around and be considered rude and disrespectful.
Don’t try with the girls that you know well either. Even if you’re close to any girl and feel it okay to try and make a joke using that word, it still has a fair chance of making her angry and disappointed in you. But again- all girls are different. Some may play along coolly but take my advice, it’s not worth the risk.
2. Don’t relate her to pornstars
I think you know this well as this is one of the main things you shouldn’t utter. But anyway, let me elaborate.
It’s completely okay to talk about porn with a girl. It might even make up for an interesting conversation. But don’t try to relate porn to the girl you’re talking with. For instance, when I was sitting along with a group of friends, one of my friends tried to make a joke.
He said to a girl, “You look like a girl from PornHub.” We’d been discussing porn before and she hadn’t minded it. But when someone related a part of it to her… she stood up and walked away.
Even if you are trying to compliment the girl by meaning to say she is hot, it may be many a time misunderstood. I have seen a lot of friendships break just because of small matters like this. So better watch your words carefully.
3. Her Interests against her…
If she has a lot of interest in reading books and if you don’t, then it’s better not to interfere with that part of her interests. Because that’s what makes her the way she is. Don’t make fun of it. It can really hurt the person.
On the other hand, even if you are fighting with the girl and out of anger, using something of her interests can seriously damage the relationship. Sometimes it so happens that even if she forgives you, what you said about her shall keep playing over in her mind.
So it’s best not to meddle with a girl’s interests…or any person’s interests for that matter.
4. It’s never too late
Just keep these little things in mind and everything shall be fine. If you did mess up sometimes, don’t worry. Apologize to her for your action. There’s always room for improvement.
These are some things you shouldn’t utter generally. Probably, there are more things that you should look for with your partner. The rest is left to you to discover.
Anyway, cheers!
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