5 Steps To Make Small Talk With Relatives

Relatives are that species of humanity that is overly and overtly concerned with career, dressing style and morality of their other relatives. Whenever they visit your home the best case scenario seems to be to get out of the house like a spy or hide from plain sight. If they can’t see you they can’t make comments right? Well, that doesn’t always work. You can be thrown into the conversation by a simple mention of your name and then you may have to come out of your hole and face them anyway. But is the situation as grave as it sounds? Let’s look at some cheats to have a workaround.

1. Break the ice…

A frozen conversation can break in any direction. Taking control of the conversation is the best option. Be the first one to break the ice. If your relatives are elderly then its better to come into their good terms before they fire up the interview.

2. How do you do?

How to make small talks with relatives
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It is important to greet your relatives without worrying. Elderly especially love those little courtesies, whereas, on the other hand, those who are younger in age feels right at home and relax a lot easier.

3. Keep the conversation light!

If it is difficult to approach people, in general, the golden rule of thumb is to begin the conversation with common knowledge. Talk about the weather or the festivals that are to come or even a little about sports as long as no feelings are hurt. Talk about the good old days! Recollection is a sweet spot in the family gatherings, although beware that old memories should not target the attention back to you.

4. That new tech!

How to make small talks with relatives
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Relatives that are your age or younger are especially fond of technology. It is easier to find a common ground with them. You can talk about books or movies, the food that you both like, or the places that are there on your wishlist to visit. Open up a little.

5. Wait for the cue

How to make small talks with relatives
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Now when the things have launched smoothly, you need not push the conversation further. People love to talk, so let them talk more about themselves. Pose some questions which are unidirectional. When you feel it is an appropriate time, take your cue and ask politely to get away. Phrases such as, “I am dying of hunger. I should grab a bite.” or “I need to use the bathroom” work well to break out of the conversation.

Play your cards safe. Situations can be easily avoided if you know how to deal with them. So when you can’t make yourself scarce try these methods to turn the tables.

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