Experts Say Small Penises Can Give Women More Pleasure, Apparently

Most men are not confident enough about the size of their masculinity. Due to the false belief that women like it big, men with slightly smaller penises feel shy to talk about their size openly. The myth that women like it big is so widespread that some men consider having a small penis similar to impotence. They feel inadequate. The size of the penis and the question “Am I big enough?” are a reason for anxiety among many men.

Having A Small Penis Is Not So Bad Afterall
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Well, how true is this myth anyway? There have been some surveys done and specialists interviewed on this topic. Surprisingly, the results show that actually, the size doesn’t matter much at all.

Perks Of Having A Small Penis

  • When we talk about size, the length is what comes first in mind. But studies indicate that women prefer the width to length. A small size penis can mean it lacks length but is wide enough. There’s one thing to be proud if you have a small-sized tool.

Having A Small Penis Is Not So Bad Afterall
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  • Although there are other perceptions. The famous sex researches Masters and Johnson concluded in their research that penis size has no true psychological effect on the female mind. The basis of their conclusion is the studies that show vagina is rather a potential space than an actual space. In simple words, it adapts to the size of the penis. So, big or small, if you have the stamina to last long, you’ll be able to pleasure her without a doubt.

Having A Small Penis Is Not So Bad Afterall
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  • According to some specialists, small size opens the scope for more adventure. If your tool is smaller in size, it’s safer for her to try out new things. You can make it more fun by not just focusing on doing it only.

Also read: 4 Ways To Know If She Is Faking An Orgasm

Small or big, the thing that matters the most is enjoying it, pleasuring your partner and yourself.

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