We all have Fantasies. And all of them are weird and unique in their own way. But did you know that there is much difference between sexual fantasies of men and women? Here we present you difference in sexual fantasies of men and women.
Different genders have different fantasies
Different genders have different sexual fantasies and so do people of different sexual orientations. Straight men and women don’t just fantasize about women and men respectively. Studies show that men and women irrespective of their sexuality have fantasize about both the genders.
Men sexually fantasize about their exes more than women
Men actually tend to view their exes more than do women. It may be simply because they have more positive attitudes toward them. If you see your ex in a sexual dream it doesn’t mean that you are not over her.
Men fantasize more about porn stars
According to the studies 62% of gay/bi men and 60% of straight men said they had fantasized about porn stars. This is maybe because they tend to watch more porn. This was proved when both men and women were asked whether they fantasize about porn stars to which both replied yes but unlike women men were able to give names.
Unlike women, men don’t have vague fantasies
Sometimes our sexual fantasies are more about the specific activity than about the person. It was observed that more women had quite vague ideas while men could properly describe the person.
So these were the main differences between fantasies of men and women. It is okay to be in your world of fantasy at times but don’t get too serious. They are too good to be true. This was all about fantasies and if you curious about your sexuality, you can read our article about How Do You Know If You Are Straight, Gay, Bi or Something In Between?