How To Avoid Love Handles And Big Bellies For People With Desk Jobs?

It’s totally understandable. You work in an office and you have a 9-5 desk job. It’s also understandable when you start growing a belly and love handles along with it. Now, it sure is disappointing when you realize that you can’t commit much time to physical exercise.

But even with limited time, there are a lot of ways to keep burning fat…even if you have a desk job. So let’s find how to avoid love handles and big bellies for people with desk jobs.

How to avoid love handles and big bellies for people with desk jobs?
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1. Walk around more

Maybe you don’t have to walk around much with a desk job, but if you look carefully, you’ll always have plenty of opportunities to get up from your seat and walk around a little. It can be for simple things, like drinking water by helping with the dispenser yourself.

There are always a few short breaks in any company here and there. Take your time after lunch to go around for a few rounds around your workspace. Interact with more people to keep yourself interested.

How To Avoid Love Handles And Big Bellies For People With Desk Jobs?
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Speaking about lunch, make sure to take a walk for at least 20 minutes after your dinner. Not only does it help with your love handles, but it also helps with keeping your mind fresh. If possible, walk along with a friend, your partner, or anyone who’s close to you, that will motivate you to walk more often.

2. Planks and Side Planks

Coming to the bit of hard work, love handles just won’t go away with walking- not even jogging for that matter. This needs a workout which particularly focuses on your waist. Don’t worry, this shall take hardly 30 minutes of your morning.

No one’s asking to do push-ups here. Those can be tough. But planks are easy. They help a lot in strengthening your core as well as reducing your love handles and bellies. Start with three reps a day, and slowly increase the number of reps. I would suggest making one rep of around a minute. But hey, that depends on you again. Do as much as your body can take.

How to avoid love handles and big bellies for people with desk jobs?
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3. Maintain a proper diet

If you’re into a working out club, it wouldn’t seem that necessary, but you’re at a desk job- with almost no physical activity involved. So you need to focus a lot on your diet. If you don’t wish to consult anyone about it or keep a note about the number of calories you consume every day, that’s completely fine.

Try your best to have a lot for breakfast and minimal intake for your dinner. Keep your lunches moderate. It’s even okay if you skip your dinner, but make sure to have your breakfast.

How to avoid love handles and big bellies for people with desk jobs?
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Also, if you have the habit of buying your lunch out. Try and avoid it. Try to make your own meal as much as you can. Stay away from junk food as far as possible.

4. Be more outgoing

When called for a party or any event, don’t miss them. You may not be a socializing person, but that’ll help you stay more active. If you really don’t want to attend events, then try and take up some other sort of outdoor activity.

How to avoid love handles and big bellies for people with desk jobs?
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Check out swimming if there’s a pool available nearby. Swimming’s one sport that makes all parts of your body active. Thus, it burns a lot of fat. Anyway, try and take up any sport of your interest.

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You don’t have to play every day. Twice or thrice a week would do fine for a beginner. And that’s it! It’s never too late to reduce your love handles or your big belly, there’s time. So go ahead… Cheers!

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