Best Threesome – The Three Most Important Exercises

Take up these 3 exercises before you go for a shower or whenever you have time. Also, you don’t require any equipment for these 3 exercises. These 3 workouts will mold your body in a manner where you can take up bigger challenges.


Push-up Best Exercise for Body

For many, the thought of performing a push up conjures memories of gym class. Perhaps one of the easiest exercise movement, push up activates nearly every muscle in your body, which yields far more than toned muscles and increased endurance. Push-up increases functional strength and activates your entire body. Major muscle groups, such as your biceps, core muscles, triceps, anterior deltoids and lower body muscle groups are activated to support your body while stabilizing your movements. I perform this exercise on a regular basis irrespective of what my routine. Try doing at least 30 divided into 3 sets, or 50 if you think you can push yourself a little bit more. This exercise not only improves your posture but also helps you in cultivating a strong body.


Squats Best Exercise

Squat is another power pack exercise. If you’re looking to boost your overall fitness and get some results, then look for no other exercise then performing squats. For a starter, you can go for 3 sets of 15 each, or 3 sets of 20 each if you think you can push yourself a little bit more. Squats trigger the testosterone in your body, which is important for your muscle growth. Squats again helps you in keeping your posture right and balanced. It helps you in building both the upper and lower body. It will boost your immune system, keeping you active and energized throughout the day. It burns your fat and boosts your performance.


Crunches Abs Workout Best Exercise

Before I advise you to do this, let me make one thing very clear that crunches do not actually burn fat. But it is one of the most effective exercise if you combine it with the other two I mentioned above. It actually flexes your muscles and can help you to keep you positive by sending a message to your brain that you have started working for it. It is more of a controlled exercise and helps you improve your focus on the other exercise and also increases your flexibility.

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The above mentioned three exercises complement each other and if done regularly can bring ample amount of change in your body. By that, I do not mean that these cannot be done separately. But, if these three are combined and practiced, great result is inevitable.

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