Things You Should Know Before Going For Hair Transplant

There is one harsh truth that all men would have to face in their life either now or 20 years from now, that is hair loss and it is inevitable. Hair loss is really bad for us guys and while preventing it is difficult we can, however, reverse the damage by techniques of hair transplantation nowadays. Most people are a bit suspicious when it comes to hair transplant as they think it’s unnatural or sometimes costly too.
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Hair Transplant is an investment that requires you to put forward time, money and a whole lot of effort but the return on investment is a fuller head of hair so if you are looking to have a result then you must be willing to put in the investment. Men and women both can go for hair transplant, men with male pattern baldness and woman who are suffering from serious hair thinning.

What Is The Procedure?

You Need To Know These Things Before Going For A Hair Transplant
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You must always consult a good surgeon who specializes in hair transplant while going for a hair transplant and see to it that he does the procedure, not any technician. After cleaning your head properly, the surgeon gives you the injection of an anesthetic to your scalp. After that, either of these two techniques is used:

1. Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT)

In this technique, the surgeon cuts out a strip of scalp skin from the back of your head using a scalpel, then that area is stitched closed. Next, the cut-out scalp is divided into small sections using a magnifying glass and a surgical knife. Then these small divided sections are implanted on the respected places to give a natural look while you grow out your hair.

2. Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)

This technique uses the help of tiny punch incisions. Hair is taken from the back of the head hundreds and thousand of follicles cut out directly. Holes are made at the places where the hair is to be transplanted with a blade or a needle. The hair is then gently placed at these holes carefully.

A hair transplant session takes up to three to four hours or more and to achieve the full head of hair you might have to get more than one done.

What happens Post Procedure?

You Need To Know These Things Before Going For A Hair Transplant
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For a few days after the procedure, you might have a sore scalp and also inflammation can be there. You must buy the prescribed antibiotics and ask the doctor to prescribe some anti-inflammatory pills too. You can also feel a bit of pain, you should take some pain killers to reduce it.

The transplanted hair will fall out two to three weeks after your surgery. Do not panic it is just making way for the new hair. Your doctor will also prescribe any hair growth medication like minoxidil, make sure o take that for the given period.

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The final results can take up to 8 to 12 months.

Side Effects

There are some minor side effects to hair transplant and cleared up in a few days or weeks. Side effects include bleeding, infection, swelling up, bruising around the eye, itching, numbness, shock loss, etc.

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