So, you have been single for a while now and also afraid of commitments, but then comes your body that has its needs *wink*. If you have found a friend to share your time under the sheets, but like everything else, this also comes with its own set of rules. Let’s jump in this sea called friends with benefits!
1. Stay emotionally neutral
It is important to keep emotions at bay, as this is the main reason why you were not ready for commitment. Emotions bring a sense of possessiveness and things go downhill from there. You should not get jealous if your partner is hanging out or having physical intimacy with other people.
2. Don’t try to turn it into a regular relationship
This relationship has the word “Friends” in it. Need to say much? Just keep things as you do with other friends. This relationship is just limited to private moments. Don’t expect dates or stuff like a regular relationship. The only time you want a relation like this is when you are passionate just about the sex and nothing else.
3. Keep communication to a minimum
Texting regularly or worse having phone calls should be off the table. Texting unnecessarily might freak out your partner. Your partner might think you are looking for a serious relationship.
4. Don’t hook up every day
Bad idea! If you are meeting up regularly, you might catch feelings, and get used to each other and things will go wobbly from there. Take time and look for other partners, you are free to do that, its the best part about this relationship!
5. Choose Carefully
You must choose your partner carefully. You should be aware of the characteristics and personality they carry. If the other person is known to be emotionally weak in the past it is very much probable that they might get attached to you and look for a stable relationship after a few months or so, and you may find it awkward or may feel sympathy towards the person, and get into a serious relationship but that sympathy bubble will burst soon and you know what’s next. Its called friends with benefits for a reason.
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6. Cuddle is off the Table
Cuddle=Attachment! Don’t ever go into that lane. Cuddling makes you create a bond with that person and you don’t want it here. After getting done with the action, pick up your clothes, get ready and get out. No cuddles, no long hugs by the door! These are all signs of emotional attachment, it works subconsciously, you will never know. Its a friend with benefits, not a girlfriend or boyfriend.
7. Don’t spend the night
Sleepovers are a big no-no. It is important to know that just because you are sharing a bed with someone, doesn’t mean you need to spend the entire night with them. You can leave after an hour or so of your arrival.
8. Safety First
This should be the number one rule of any relationship. On the roads and inside closed doors always safety first! You don’t want accidents, do you? Protection is necessary for avoiding various kinds of STDs that you don’t know who might carry. Be safe.
9. The Ex-factor
If you are considering to be friends with benefits with your ex, please don’t. It may be good and exciting in the beginning but will hurt Sooner. So, exes are off the list.
10. Remember it won’t last
These relationships end unexpectedly. You might love it or you might hate it, but it surely won’t last forever. One day your partner may feel to not carry things forward or may try to get into serious relationships, so don’t expect it to be a forever thing. Everything comes with an expiry date.
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