Did it ever occur to you that even with the simplest footwear, you can actually appear stunning with the right confidence? Well, it’s alright if you didn’t. You shall know a lot about it soon! Let’s roll with it.
We all know the simple basics, don’t we? It’s obvious- flip flops don’t go with ankle-length legwear, but shoes do. Crocks and Espadrilles do go well with ‘em too. So let’s head to colours and particular types.
Footwear Combinations
One of the most common mistakes we make is wearing sports footwear for all sorts of legwear and occasions. Sure, it does seem to make a great combination even with formals sometimes. But to really blend in well with your attire, make sure to try different sorts of footwear.
There are some other types of footwear that can blend really well with different types of bodywear as well. One of them would be the evergreen, timeless sneakers. Sneakers- be it any colour- give a certain warmth to any sort of attire residing over it. It can look great for a typical school day and outshine beautifully in a basketball court as well.
Another type of footwear that’s equipped with a similar blending nature is the Espadrilles, more commonly known as loafers. These not only make it easy for sweet combinations but also are very easy to use. It’s amazing how people sometimes use them instead of flip flops now.
And those would be some of the footwear for one, to begin with, especially if he or she is a beginner.
…and Confidence
You don’t see this combination of ‘footwear and confidence’, every day, right? It sure does sound funny but let me tell you- it is equally important when it comes to grooming. Let’s talk about it.
It isn’t that difficult to keep your outfit tidy and clean. You may even have a great taste of different combinations. But how good is it if you lack confidence? How good is it if you look great but not feel comfortable with it?
Having a great appearance is one thing, making an impression is another. A man in his perfectly tailored new suit is no good if he can’t walk with a fine posture. And where does proper posture mainly come from? It all comes back to confidence.
A person judges another upon seeing someone for the first time, be it a man or a lady, based on two main factors. First, is a person’s shoes. Call it old-fashioned but it’s still a natural tendency for a person’s eyes to go down to the shoes of a person first.
Read more: 10 Versatile Outfits You Can Build With A White Basic T-Shirt
Now, that makes footwear the most important part of your attire. No, it isn’t only about how expensive they look, it’s about how well you use them. Speaking of using them, takes us to the second main factor.
It’s confidence! Unless you walk and behave right by your perfectly-matched shoes, the effort might be worthless. Be it anyone in front of you, if you’re sure you have your shoes right, then don’t be afraid to speak with your head up high! Stay confident.