There are a lot of ways to keep a conversation going with any person you’re talking to, one on one. However, there also happens to be times where both of you might face awkward moments of silence. Don’t deny it- you know it, I know. So we both know what we’re dealing with here. Anyway, here are some ways to keep the conversation interesting.
1. Hit both the highs and the lows
There is no way to keep a long conversation going if you maintain a monotonous emotion or topic. If you are interested in the person, then talk with him or her as you would with a very close friend. Sure, you can keep your things to yourself, but it’s okay to discuss a less interesting topic.
You can discuss family. Sometimes, it may seem that you’re headed towards boring the person, but it might eventually turn interesting. A long conversation shouldn’t always be on the lighter side as the funny part to it can get boring even if you have great jokes. Hitting a serious topic once in a while is okay.
However, there is no need to begin off with something serious too. Try and maintain a flow. See if the person wants to talk about something or just listen to what you have to say, and then act accordingly. These are the simplest, yet most powerful ways to build a strong relationship with people.
2. Want a really interesting conversation? Don’t just speak, show
Let’s say you’re sitting along with your partner or walking. If you’re explaining something, do not just make it a boring explanation where the other person is forced to listen to it. Try and make even a boring subject interesting. Here’s a small example.
I was explaining the human body memory power to a girl- something not interesting to her. I had to explain, “Maybe we might forget what we did some time ago, but our body is an accumulation of memories. It remembers all the places it touches and feels.”
To do this, I made her stand up. We’re standing on a platform about a foot from ground level. I gave her a jerk from the platform and she started to plunge forward, I pulled her back. I then explained, “Maybe you won’t remember every conversation that you have with everyone today, but you can still remember moments when your body had a sensation of shock. Even if the moment is only for a fraction of a second, it shall remember the moment clearly.”
3. Ice-breakers!
Now, if you feel that the conversation is boring and is vaguely being paid attention to, then it’s time for a joke! Making a joke is the best way to keep your date engaged. Ice-breaker is a term used in Speech training, but that will help you out here too. There isn’t a doubt about it.
If not a joke, then ask some question which might help out the person express more openly. It can even be a bizarre question like- “Did you ever kick a kid?” It can make him or her laugh at it. And perhaps, that might even turn to be another long conversation.
There are many other ways to keep a conversation interesting. These are some that have worked out best for me. There may be a million other ways to do so. It’s your world to try it out.
Read more: Science Says Spending Time With Your Friends Is Good For Your Health