Never have I ever played a “never have I ever” game says no one. At least everyone would have heard about it. With closed ones, we don’t mind being dirty. When one can be dirty, the dirty soul inside obviously peeks out. Dirty never have I ever questions are the best among the rest.
This questionnaire game has become the icebreaker stuff for any relationship. Can be used officially as well. There can’t be a better way to know about someone by asking them questions this way so that it can’t seem weird as the whole purpose of this game gives you the license to be weird. Now let us see 250+ such dirty never have I ever questions.
The rule of the game is simple as well, just sit around with friends and start asking these dirty never have I ever questions one by one. Answer to those dirty questions by just saying yes or no. Feel free to use these next times you bond with someone close.
1. Never have I ever gone commando to college or office.
2. Never have I ever sent a hot picture to someone.
3. Never have I ever had a dirty sex chat.
4. Never have I ever tried to google about my own sex online.
5. Never have I ever tried to kiss a celebrity picture.
6. Never have I ever had a one-night stand.
7. Never have I ever did a booty call.
8. Never have I ever faked an orgasm.
9. Never have I ever farted while having sex.
10. Never have I ever asked for a dirty selfie of someone.
11. Never have I ever made out in public places.
12. Never have I ever had a crush on cousin sisters.
13. Never have I ever spoke dirty to my opposite-sex friend.
14. Never have I ever spoke dirty to my friend’s siblings.
15. Never have I ever masturbated.
16. Never have I ever masturbated in public places.
17. Never have I ever masturbated when people were around.
18. Never have I ever masturbated thinking about someone whom I can’t have sex with.
19. Never have I ever kissed me on a mirror.
20. Never have I ever tried a dirty chat with someone I met online.
21. Never have I ever tried to speak dirty to my siblings.
22. Never have I ever dated more than one person at a time.
23. Never have I ever bought a lingerie
24. Never have I ever crossed first base
25. Never have I ever crossed second base
26. Never have I ever crossed third base
27. Never have I ever spied someone in the shower
28. Never have I ever peed in the shower
29. Never have I ever masturbated in the shower
30. Never have I ever spoke dirty to my teacher
31. Never have I ever had a crush on my teacher
32. Never have I ever had dirty dreams about my teacher
33. Never have I ever seen someone masturbate
34. Never have I ever tried hard and desperate for sex
35. Never have I ever spent one whole week without masturbating
36. Never have I ever spent one week without sex
37. Never have I ever had sex with my ex
38. Never have I ever tried to have a one-night stand with my ex.
39. Never have I ever asked my ex to stay as friends
40. Never have I ever behaved dirty with maids
41. Never have I ever played sex games
42. Never have I ever watched dirty videos online
43. Never have I ever wanted to make out with neighbor aunty.
44. Never have I ever made out neighbor aunty.
45. Never have I ever had dirty conversations with neighbor aunties.
46. Never have I ever read Savita Bhabhi comics
47. Never have I ever seen Sunny Leone videos
There can never be a dirty never have I ever questions game being played without bringing in the topics like masturbation or pornstars. Never forget to include them.
48. Never have I ever seen Poonam Pandey videos
49. Never have I ever seen Mia Khalifa videos
50. Never have I ever masturbated seeing porn more than once in a day
51. Never have I ever had sex in the shower
52. Never have I ever had a hickey
53. Never have I ever given a hickey to someone else.
54. Never have I ever passed out after having sex
55. Never have I ever saw a movie just for dirty scenes in it.
56. Never have I ever seen a song just for the dirty scenes in it.
57. Never have I ever zoomed a celebrity picture.
58. Never have I ever paused a dirty video.
59. Never have I ever had a bedroom injury.
60. Never have I ever masturbated wearing condoms
61. Never have I ever had a dirty massage with a happy ending
62. Never have I ever searched for a hot Masseuse.
63. Never have I ever peeked stranger’s cleavage.
64. Never have I ever removed buttons to impress someone.
65. Never have I ever been to an adult store.
66. Never have I ever used a sex toy.
67. Never have I ever squeezed boobs
68. Never have I ever did a blowjob
69. Never have I ever did a hand-job
70. Never have I ever got a hand-job
71. Never have I ever got a blowjob
72. Never have I ever caught by parents for doing dirty kinds of stuff.
73. Never have I ever cheated my lover.
74. Never have I ever had a crush on my friend’s lover.
75. Never have I ever had a secret affair.
76. Never have I ever worn my dirty undies without washing.
77. Never have I ever had dirty dreams.
78. Never have I ever kissed on the first date.
79. Never have I ever been to a dating site.
80. Never have I ever been turned down.
81. Never have I ever gone speed dating.
82. Never have I ever said “I love you” to someone.
83. Never have I ever proposed to many at the same time.
84. Never have I ever kissed someone without meaning it.
85. Never have I ever used Tinder to get a sex partner.
86. Never have I ever peeked someone while they are changing.
86. Never have I ever spoke dirty to someone who is already taken.
87. Never have I ever spoke dirty to married ladies.
88. Never have I ever read Kamasutra.
89. Never have I ever read sex stories online.
90. Never have I ever hoped for an opposite-sex person to be seated near me while traveling.
91. Never have I ever had sex fantasies with travel partners.
92. Never have I ever wanted to date my girl bestie/ boy bestie.
93. Never have I ever slept with someone whom I wasn’t interested in.
94. Never have I ever slept with someone within 24 hours of meeting.
95. Never have I ever googled about different sex positions.
96. Never have I ever hit someone else while I am committed.
97. Never have I ever thought of having a baby.
98. Never have I ever been drunk while having sex.
99. Never have I ever had sex with someone who is not a virgin.
100. Never have I ever recorded my sex tape.
Ensure that the dirty never have I ever questions are answered honestly. You know it when it is a lie and that sucks the fun. So to keep the game real, level up the dirtiness slowly for your friends to get into the groove and let out the truth.
101. Never have I ever daydreamed about sex.
102. Never have I ever hid a hickey with clothing.
103. Never have I ever thought dirty about friend’s mom.
104. Never have I ever been inside Victoria Secret.
105. Never have I ever gifted someone on Valentine’s day.
106. Never have I ever owned a Playboy magazine.
107. Never have I ever dressed like my opposite gender.
108. Never have I ever been to a strip club.
109. Never have I ever googled about my penis size.
110. Never have I ever googled about the size of my boobs.
111. Never have I ever googled about increasing penis size.
112. Never have I ever googled about increasing the size of my boobs.
113. Never have I ever gifted lingerie.
114. Never have I ever gifted lingerie to my girl bestie.
115. Never have I ever gifted a boxer to my boy bestie.
116. Never have I ever seen my boy bestie/ girl bestie nude.
117. Never have I ever used a lame dirty line to hit at someone.
118. Never have I ever had searched for porn using public WiFi.
119. Never have I ever had tablets to increase sex performance.
120. Never have I ever winked at a stranger.
121. Never have I ever whistled at a stranger.
122. Never have I ever exposed knowingly.
123. Never have I ever been in love just to make love.
124. Never have I ever been to a blind date.
125. Never have I ever had sex inside a car.
126. Never have I ever got a handjob while driving.
127. Never have I ever got a blow job while driving.
128. Never have I ever gave a handjob while driving.
129. Never have I ever gave a blow job while driving.
130. Never have I ever made out in plane’s washroom.
131. Never have I ever had dirty conversations with someone 10 years elder than me.
132. Never have I ever made someone drink just to have sex.
133. Never have I ever lied to have sex.
134. Never have I ever fought for sex.
135. Never have I ever tried skinny dipping.
136. Never have I ever rainbow kissed.
137. Never have I ever sunbathed.
138. Never have I ever sunbathed nude.
139. Never have I ever made out in a hot tub.
140. Never have I ever watched Game of Thrones just for dirty scenes.
141. Never have I ever worn someone else’s underwear.
142. Never have I ever played strip poker.
143. Never have I ever flashed someone else.
144. Never have I ever saw my friend having sex.
145. Never have I ever had a threesome.
146. Never have I ever had a gangbang.
147. Never have I ever watched porn as a group.
148. Never have I ever complimented my girl bestie of her boobs
149. Never have I ever complimented my boy bestie of his penis size.
150. Never have I ever had sex chat with my boy bestie
151. Never have I ever had sex chat with my girl bestie
The purpose of playing dirty never have I ever questions game is for pure entertainment. This questionnaire kind of confession should just build the relationship closer and not to make anyone inferior or to be bullied.
152. Never have I ever roleplayed.
153. Never have I ever approached a hooker.
154. Never have I ever been approached by a hooker.
155. Never have I ever said the wrong name while having sex.
156. Never have I ever made out in a swimming pool.
157. Never have I ever had a one-night stand without protection.
158. Never have I ever questioned my sexuality.
159. Never have I ever did a pregnancy test.
160. Never have I ever worried if I have AIDS.
161. Never have I ever spoke dirty to my teacher.
162. Never have I ever sucked on a toe.
163. Never have I ever smelled partner’s inners.
164. Never have I ever gone in public without a bra.
These Dirty never have I ever questions are just for reference. Depending upon each one’s set of friends, depending on how close each one is to each other the dirty questions should be tweaked accordingly.
165. Never have I ever had sex by standing up.
166. Never have I ever done a striptease.
167. Never have I ever asked for a striptease.
168. Never have I ever had sex inside a tent.
169. Never have I ever been too tired to have sex.
170. Never have I ever felt to work in a brothel.
171. Never have I ever did a lap dance.
172. Never have I ever did a pole dance.
173. Never have I ever been mocked for my sex sounds.
174. Never have I ever masturbated at someone else’s house.
175. Never have I ever had sex fantasies with a family member.
176. Never have I ever had sex with the same person for 2 consecutive days.
The father of all dirty never have I questions is this one. Every swimming pool would have gone through this fate at least once. If not once a day.
177. Never have I ever peed in the swimming pool.
178. Never have I ever used the public washroom that had no water or toilet paper.
179. Never have I ever smelled a shirt to see if it can be worn again.
180. Never have I ever worn stink socks again.
181. Never have I ever blown my nose and checked what came out.
182. Never have I ever dug my nose using fingers.
183. Never have I ever trimmed my toe-nails using teeth.
184. Never have I ever had a smelly burp.
185. Never have I ever had a smelly fart.
186. Never have I ever spoke dirty to the police to escape a ticket.
187. Never have I ever used sex to gain an advantage.
188. Never have I ever watched blocked porn using VPN.
189. Never have I ever had sex underage.
190. Never have I ever dates just for sex.
191. Never have I ever lured someone to sex.
192. Never have I ever got lured to sex.
193. Never have I ever had sex with two people on the same day.
194. Never have I ever left in the middle of sex.
195. Never have I ever tastes partner’s body fluids.
196. Never have I ever had sex in an elevator.
197. Never have I ever had sex in a moving train.
198. Never have I ever had sex inside a bus.
199. Never have I ever paid pizza delivery guy through sex.
200. Never have I ever seen my parents speaking dirty.
201. Never have I ever shaved my pubic hair
202. Never have I ever asked my girlfriend/ boyfriend to shave her/his pubic hair.
203. Never have I ever shaved the pubic hair of my girlfriend/ boyfriend.
204. Never have I ever tasted breastmilk as an adult.
205. Never have I ever put thumb inside Victoria’s secret.
206. Never have I ever fingered my girlfriend.
207. Never have I ever tasted myself.
208. Never have I ever used lubrication while sex.
209. Never have I ever used lubrication while masturbation.
210. Never have I ever broke up with a partner because of bad sex.
211. Never have I ever got dehydrated after having sex.
212. Never have I ever made out in the toilet.
213. Never have I ever made out with a stranger.
214. Never have I ever forgot whom I had sex with because of a hangover.
215. Never have I ever doubted about my heterosexuality.
216. Never have I ever masturbated watching the Kardashians.
217. Never have I ever used someone just for sex.
218. Never have I ever got grumpy after sex.
219. Never have I ever searched for celebrity nudes.
220. Never have I ever forced for sex.
221. Never have I ever blackmailed for sex.
222. Never have I ever refused a kiss.
223. Never have I ever been unfaithful.
224. Never have I ever kissed someone of the same sex.
225. Never have I ever hooked up with my friend’s ex.
226. Never have I ever had a crush on my friend’s ex.
227. Never have I ever lied to my friend about my sexual affairs.
228. Never have I ever caught my penis stuck in pant zip.
229. Never have I ever saw myself naked in a mirror.
230. Never have I ever cleared the browsing history because of dirty stuff.
231. Never have I ever found dirty websites in friend’s browsing history.
232. Never have I ever found dirty websites in sibling’s browsing history.
Dirty never have I ever questions are sensitive as well. To get an honest answer one needs to be sportive to receive it as well. No one wants to be the laughing stock right?
The following dirty never have I ever questions are leveled up dirty stuff strictly for closest buddies.
233. Never have I ever indulged in oral sex.
234. Never have I ever injured myself using sex toys.
235. Never have I ever had things heated up with a person of the same sex.
236. Never have I ever made out sitting on a chair.
237. Never have I ever more than one orgasm in one session.
238. Never have I ever got paid for getting laid.
239. Never have I ever had sex to get paid.
240. Never have I ever traveled to a foreign country without a pack of condoms
241. Never have I ever hired a maid just to have sex with her.
242. Never have I ever slept with my colleagues.
243. Never have I ever did sexting to turn someone on.
244. Never have I ever used cosmetics to turn someone on.
245. Never have I ever used a household thing as a sex toy.
246. Never have I ever slept with someone just because they are famous.
247. Never have I ever deleted sex chats to hide from my girlfriend/boyfriend.
248. Never have I ever fooled around with my close friend.
249. Never have I ever had medical attention regarding sex.
250. Never have I ever had sex with someone just because I was desperate to get laid.
251. Never have I ever received a noise complaint immediately after sex.
252. Never have I ever used sex for advantage.
253. Never have I ever Sexually Transmitted Disease scare.
254. Never have I ever gotten a happy ending.
255. Never have I ever been watched while having sex.
256. Never have I ever lied about my sex life to my friends.
257. Never have I ever sent someone “send nudes”.