To most of the girls you come across in your life, you are either a fuckboy or gay. There’s no existence of an in-between type. As a guy you are supposed to be reeking with masculine toxicity and when in a relationship of any kind with women, you are expected to be the protector, the hero who rescues the lady every single time. If you love music, it must be metal or hip-hop; if you have a hobby, it’s probably sports. When you don’t have the mentioned traits, maybe you’re a softboy, but you are likely to be called GAY. (If you are such type of guy in India, you’ll probably end up doubting your sexual orientation!)
Nevertheless, let’s try to understand this rare breed of male homo sapiens up close.
These guys are not quite fond of leather jackets and rugged jeans. They settle for the gentler dressing options and might occasionally wear t-shirts with “girlie” hues. Your typical softboy go for dresses that attract minimal attention, even if they are going on a date. They are likely to appear as an average human being more than a mountain in the form of a guy. Some may sport that Emo hairstyle with bangs but that’s outdated now. They are totally not the guy you fall for at first sight.
Softboys are softies! They care for others and will consider every person they meet to be humans at first irrespective of gender. They prefer backing out from a fistfight first as they don’t support violence. Besides, they will probably end up getting beaten up if they do. The same goes for steaming arguments, they will let you believe that they support your opinion even if they don’t actually. They are the perfect type of guys girls would love to be best friends with. They’ll lend you a shoulder to cry on and console you when you shed tears after a breakup or a fight with your boyfriend. The genuine softboys will never take this as a chance to slide into her heart as he’s too introverted or thoughtful to confess even if he has been in love with her all his life.
They love calm music, romantic movies and books, philosophy and every other thing considered boring or plain.
Their perceptions of girls
They consider love to be beautiful and seek true love even in today’s world. It’s pretty obvious that they don’t get too much attention from girls but sometimes when they do, the girl would either be touched or think of him as a creep. They are too hesitant to approach a girl, let alone confess. They will keep talking in circles while discussing something with the girl they like and secretly hope she will make the first move. Most of them will probably end up being single forever and the few who are lucky will have the experience of being in a very awkward relationship where besides sweet talks, there’s no scope of any kisses or hugs. But if a girl spends enough time with a softboy (which is a long time to be precise), she might fall for him too.
Read More: Things Girls Want From You In A Relationship
With everything said it’s hard for this breed of guys to exist and with every other fuckboy disguising to be a softboy to slip into the DMs and hearts of girls, the population is at its extinction.