In India sex education is a tabooooo. Parents and teachers prefer not to be embarrassed than to give sex-ed. Quite ignorant of parents to think that they will get to know when its time. Even the teachers at school unhesitatingly skip the topic, like ya why do you have to learn all this. Then what are the sources left for young generation for quenching their curiosity, either porn which is to be honest far unreal from reality, or friends who seriously are as literate as them when it comes to this or experiments. God save them. So here are 7 things about sex that you wish they taught you.
1. Condoms don’t stop everything
STIs like herpes can be transmitted through skin to skin contact even if you use a condom. These are quite common. They are not generally detected, you have to ask the doctor to test for that STI or you will never know about it. So guys even condoms aren’t the safest.
2. You should pee after sex
Peeing after sex may help prevent urinary tract infections (UTIs). It helps flush away all the bacteria that might have entered your body during the intercourse. This is a must.
3. You can break a penis
Getting a penile fracture is a real thing. It usually occurs when the couple changes position while the erect penis is still inside the vagina. Never do that, while changing position. It can also be caused due to aggressive pumping.
4. Porn isn’t real life
Please remember that porn is fantasy. There is nothing real about it. It is shot in such way to get more viewers. There is nothing like perfect sex. Sex is something personal and one of the beautiful experience you will have, but if try to compare it with porn you will never be happy and satisfied.
5. It’s okay to explore your body
It is completely okay to explore your body and know more about yourself. Masturbation is always put in such bad light. Teenagers who are going through puberty and so insecure about the changes happening in their body, should know that it is fine explore your body.
6. Same-sex partners need to be safe too
We were never taught about anything other than hetero sex. Sex doesn’t always have to be about penis and vagina. Many gay partners are clueless about sex. And most of them don’t even know that you can get STDs by having sex with someone of the same gender. Between 2008 and 2010 there was a 22% increase in HIV infections among gay and bisexual men.
7. Consent matters
How much ever you emphasize on this one its less. Just because you are in relationship or you are married doesn’t mean you do not have to take consent. “NO” means “NO”. Also not saying no doesn’t mean yes by default. It is also important to remember that you can say no even if you initially said yes and do not feel guilty about it.
So these were 7 things about sex that you wish they taught you before. If wanna read more here’s How To Stop Watching Porn And Control Porn Addiction.